Privacy Policy

Fesbase Inc. (please refer to"Company Information"for the location and representative of Fesbase. We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information (the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Law")), and will not disclose personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual concerned. We have established voluntary rules and systems, taking into consideration international trends, and have adopted the following privacy policy. (including the contents of "Handling of Personal Information")

1. In order to implement this policy, we have established the "Personal Information Management Regulations" and have made all of our employees (general officers, part-timers, and employees of the Company), subcontractors and other related parties aware of the importance of personal information management.

2. To prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will take appropriate information security measures, including measures against unauthorized access and computer viruses.

3. When acquiring personal information, we will specify the purpose of use as much as possible, and acquire such information by legal and fair means.

4. We confirm that the person who is the subject of personal information has the right to disclose, correct, stop the use of, or erase his/her own personal information. The Company will respond appropriately to such requests after confirming the identity of the individual making such a request.

5. When we share personal information with a third party or entrust the handling of personal information to a third party, we will conclude a necessary contract with the third party and take other measures required by law.

Last update: April 7, 2022

Fesbase Inc.

Handling of Personal Information

Fesbase Inc. recognizes that the appropriate handling of personal information is an important responsibility as a business operator handling personal information, and handles your personal information as follows based on our personal information protection policy.

1. Purpose of use of personal information

(1) We collect the personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes of use, and if the purposes of use are specifically specified on other pages of our website or in mail order surveys, we will use the information in accordance with those purposes of use.

The purposes of use are as follows.

(i) To enable our customers to use our services smoothly

(ii) To provide information on products and services, and to display and distribute advertisements

(iii) To compile statistical data on the use of our services for the purpose of improvement

(iv) To respond to customer inquiries

(v) To conduct questionnaires regarding our current services or services that we are considering providing in the future

(vi) To develop and provide new plans for future services of the Company

(vii) To conduct drawings for campaigns, etc., and to send prizes and products

(viii) To process billing at the time of product purchase

(ix) To send other communications as necessary, such as important notices regarding our services

(x) In addition to the above, the purposes of use presented by the Company at the time the personal information is provided

(2) We may acquire information related to you (website browsing history, service usage history, location information (including GPS information), OS and other device information, cookie ID, advertising identifiers, IP addresses, and other online identifiers) from ad-serving companies, affiliate companies, DMP companies, other ad-related companies, and other third parties, and link such acquired information to your personal information already in our possession.

2. Provision of personal information to third parties

We will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual, except as required by law.

3. Provision of personal information to third parties located outside of Japan

We may provide personal information to third parties in foreign countries, which may not have the same level of personal information protection systems as those in Japan, but we will not provide personal information we have acquired to third parties other than those in foreign countries that have implemented measures required by the Japanese Personal Information Protection Law, unless permitted by law or unless we have obtained your consent in accordance with the law.

4. Management of personal information

We take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of the personal information we handle and to otherwise safely manage the personal information. For details of the security control measures in place, please contact the contact listed in 8.

5. Procedures for disclosure, correction, suspension of service

With respect to personal information in our possession, we will notify the person in question of the purpose of use, disclose (including disclosure of records of provision to third parties), correct, add to, or delete the personal information. If you request us to stop using, delete, erase, or stop providing your personal information to third parties, we will respond appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations.

If you wish to make such a request, please contact the contact listed in 8.

6. Use of cookies, etc.

(1) About Cookie

We do not use Cookie, Becon, or any other means to obtain personal information in a manner that is not easily recognizable by the person concerned.

(2) About Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track the use of our official website. Google Analytics uses cookie to collect information about our users for more information, please visit Google's website.

7. Changes to this policy

We may change this policy, in whole or in part, at any time without notice, in which case we will post the revised policy on this site, so please check this site periodically for updates.

8. Contact for inquiries

Please direct any comments, questions, complaints, or other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information held by the Company to the following contact point.

Contact department:Fesbase Inc. personal Information Reception Desk

3-5-3-702 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021, Japan


Last update: April 7, 2022

Fesbase Inc.